Custom Logo Slide Sandals
Custom Flip Flops
Custom Logo Slides
Custom Logo Slide Sandals
Custom Team Slides
Custom Logo Sandals

Our military heroes put it all on the line and push their bodies, minds, and spirits to the limit each day in service to their country. Soldiers are subjected to harsh conditions, routinely marching miles on end in uncomfortable combat boots carrying rucksacks weighing upwards of 80 pounds. Each step an active duty soldier takes is challenging and brutal, and each step transitioning to civilian life can be equally challenging. Veterans are more susceptible to homelessness and suicide than the average civilian. Our mission is to provide shoes, socks, and other essential items and services to support veterans in need. Even the best of us need assistance now and then, and we are humbled by the opportunity to give back what we can to those who have given their blood, sweat, and more to provide the freedom and security we enjoy every day as American citizens. Socks are the most requested item in homeless shelters, and something as simple as a comfortable pair of shoes can keep them going one step at a time until they are back on their feet.
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